Kuier met Marnella - Spring Edition 2024

Celebrating the Spirit of South African Women: A Glimpse into "Kuier met Marnella" at ML in Haarlem
On a day as radiant as the women it celebrated, International Women's Day shone a little brighter in the picturesque city of Haarlem, thanks to the remarkable gathering  "Kuier met Marnella". Hosted at the stunning ML restaurant, with the Groote Kerk serving as a majestic backdrop, the event was nothing short of magical.
As the sun cast its warm embrace over the city, the venue came alive with the vibrant energy of South African women, each dressed impeccably, embodying elegance with high heels and pearls. The air buzzed with excitement, laughter, and the kind of camaraderie that only shared heritage can foster. This event, was a testament to the strength, resilience, and remarkable spirit of South African women.
For me, "Kuier met Marnella" is not just an event; it's the realization of a dream. A dream to build a thriving community for South African women in the Netherlands, a home away from home. It's a celebration of our journey, acknowledging the sacrifices made along the way—leaving behind family, friends, and the familiar comfort of our culture and community. Yet, it's also a testament to our tenacity, as we continually strive to make this new land feel like home, no matter the challenges.
At the Spring Edition of "Kuier met Marnella" we were fortunate to have two
exceptional speakers who enriched our event with their wisdom. Ava Kanaye and Nerine Jones shared invaluable insights into women's health and the art of maintaining a wardrobe that resonates with our identity and values. Their contributions were not just informative but empowering, offering us tools to navigate our lives with more confidence and grace.
The success of "Kuier met Marnella" is a collective tapestry woven from the efforts of many! So heartfelt thank you to our generous sponsors, whose contributions made the day even more special. The array of prizes and goodie bags added an extra layer of excitement, making the event truly memorable.
In the heart of every successful event are the unsung heroes whose dedication and talent turn visions into reality. "Kuier met Marnella" was no exception, and it is only fitting to shine a spotlight on two remarkable individuals.
Firstly, immense gratitude goes to Liezel Glaubitz whose organizational prowess and meticulous attention to detail were the cornerstone of the event. Liezel's unwavering support and positivity not only kept the ship steady but also ensured that every aspect of the event unfolded seamlessly.
Special thanks also to Leandrie du Plessis, whose incredible talent behind the lens captured the essence of "Kuier met Marnella" in every photograph. Leandrie's ability to seize the moment, to encapsulate the laughter, the tears, and the sheer joy of togetherness, has given us memories that we will cherish for years to come.


Organizing "Kuier met Marnella" is no small feat, and each time brings its own set of challenges. Yet, the overwhelming sense of warmth, love, and unity that envelops me at the end of the day makes every ounce of effort worthwhile. It's a vivid reminder of the incredible strength and resilience that characterizes South African women—a force to be reckoned with, capable of turning dreams into reality.





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